Saturday, February 16, 2008


1. Slug stories
2. Home vacuum cleaner repair
3. Gym night


Lydia said...

Slug stories?

P.S. I just finished reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane! Amazing book, no?

Beth said...

I have this really disturbing children's (?) book about slugs...Sami has to do a report on slugs for her Ag class, so I shared it with her, and she was reading it aloud after leadership core. Maybe I'll post some of it on my blog. It's horrible but fascinating.

And, yes, I liked Edward Tulane a lot! I actually read it all Fri night, after leadership core (maybe to get the slugs out of my head?). Edward is a really interesting Christ type - you don't see that type of imagery too often in children's lit. Unless you're reading fairy tales, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I saw your slug post! Mmmm..

Leta sent me Edward Tulane, and I read it almost all of it in one sitting. I absolutely love the quote at the beginning: "The heart breaks and breaks and lives by breaking. It is necessary to go through dark and deeper dark and not to turn."

Such a beautiful story of redemption!