Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bubble Juice - New & Improved Recipe

Measure into a clean bucket and stir together:

16 cups warm water
1 cup Joy or Dawn dish soap (if you're abroad, use Fairy or Palmolive Aloe)
2 tablespoons baking powder (not baking soda)

Tip: It's STILL best to let your bubble solution sit overnight.

-David Stein & the Editors of Klutz


Beth said...

Actually, I used a hybrid of these recipes to make my bubble juice - 16 cups warm water, 1 cup Dawn Ultra, 1 tablespoon baking powder, and 1 tablespoon glycerine.

Pinon Coffee said...

Baking powder? How curious. What does that do?

We often put corn syrup in our bubble juice. We'll have to try your recipe next.

Beth said...

I'm really not sure what the baking powder does, or whether it is more/less efficacious than glycerin (or corn syrup!). I found glycerin in the skin care section of my CVS, with a little help from a friendly pharmacist.