Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Anonymous said...

HOW was this a HIGH? beth i am ashamed of you...okay no. but they RUINED all classic indy. betetral, ALIENS, ants, monkeys, in motion on jeep fencing, ALIENS, sand pits, ALIENS! what what is this? aliens shennanigans....not my high that is for sure. (nut now when Mutt took the motorcycle thru yale, THAT was cool)

Beth said...

Okay, so yes, it was a little far-fetched...but its not like the other movies are documentaries! There was definitely a sci-fi/fantasy element to 1,2,3 (with religious overtones...but still, we're not talking realism here). I thought it was very consistent with the first three. Thematically too - in each movie you have arrogant bad guys trying to achieve god-like status (god-like power in Ark of the Covenant, eternal life in Last Crusade, and infinite knowledge in this film). So just one criticism - I do not buy the whole swinging on vines bit - too Spiderman. That was a jump the shark moment (Mikr agrees). But otherwise - spot on. Think of all the things they COULD have messed up but didn't. I'm just relieved Jar Jar Binks didn't get a cameo.

Anonymous said...

Once you accept the basic premise of the plot, that Monkey Island was not just a game, but really did happen in the distant past in the Indy universe, then, really, in the end, it seems that the monkey swinging on the vine thing wasn't that much of a jump the shark moment.

Beth said...

Huh? Monkey Island is clearly the basis for Pirates of the Caribbean (at least 1 and 2...I think the third movie was based on a cold medicine-induced hallucination - what other possible explanation could there be for the giant nose?). So I fail to see the Indy connection. But anyway, I don't object to the monkey - a clear allusion to Raiders. I just wasn't prepared for Mutt to turn into Tarzan. Too CGI.