Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Verbal Snapshot

Four men on a couch.


Beth said...

Tonight it suddenly hit me: I don't know why I'm maintaining two blogs. Hereafter, 'highs' will appear as 'verbal snapshots' on my commonplace blog. The advantages are manifold - readers have just one site to check for updates; if I forget to post highs (or snapshots) for weeks on end, I won't feel quite as guilty about the folks who are faithfully checking my site (assuming commonplace quotes are still appearing with some regularity); snapshots can be highs or lows or just this-is-something-random-that -happened-to-amuse-me-so-I'm-going-to-record-it; and snapshots are probably less 'listy' (thus more interesting?) than my catalog of highs.

Beth said...

Less 'listy' but still cryptic. :)

Jessielynn said...

Yes, but judging from past experience you're far more apt to give commentary on this blog.

And alas, I will have to remove a bookmark and have less opportunity to reminisce about the alligator farm.

Beth said...

Hmmm...perhaps I need to append a list of 'best snapshots from 2007' to this blog. It would be tragic to forget the alligator farm.